What if Christmas Series’ Were Titled Like Blog Posts?

If Christmas Series’ Were Titled Like Blog Posts

This post sponsored by Mopho.to—unlimited photos for blogging, social media, or sermon series’ for only $5/month.

If you’ve been around the blogosphere any amount of time, you’ve noticed the ridiculous amount of hyperbole in blog post titles. Bloggers know that the right title can become link bait to get people to click through and read their blogs.

We thought it would be fun to make some Christmas series titles using the same rules as blog post titles. The result was rather fun. Enjoy!


Everyone loves a good list. And bloggers don’t mind getting ridiculously specific with their lists. Why shouldn’t a Christmas sermon series do the same?


Nothing gets click-throughs quite like a challenge to someone’s heart strings.


Blogs are a bastion for weird facts or pictures. There was a weird star that night…seems like the perfect fuel for a blog title.


Okay, the obvious answer is a baby. But I bet you didn’t guess it was the savior of the world!


If my mind was blown by everything the Internet said would blow it…well…maybe it has been blown…because I can’t stop clicking on those links…

Those are some of the fun ones we came up with. Thanks to GracewayMedia for providing the base artwork we defaced with hyperbole.




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