Sure, you may do graphic design for your church. But are you really a church graphic designer? Score yourself on this Church Graphic Designer scorecard. Give yourself one point for each statement that describes you. Then compare yourself to our guide.
- Every “T” you make looks like a cross.
- You’ve ever spent three hours designing for a women’s ministry event, and only an hour designing for a sermon series.
- “Mustard seed” is in your Google Images search history.
- You’ve exhausted iStockPhoto’s “man raising hands in field” library.
- You can’t access your graphic design inspiration sites because of the church’s web filter.
- Your system defaults to the fonts Didot, Helvetica Neue, or Birth of a Hero.
- The business administrators laughs whenever you submit a purchase order for a paid font.
- You think Fields of Wheat are for missions conferences, not farmers’ conferences.
- You have an entire folder dedicated to grunge overlays.
- You’ve received hate mail for using 7-point font size on worship guide copy.
- Church staff ping you on the best point-and-shoot camera to purchase at Best Buy.
- You can fit four pages of content onto a 5.5 x 8.5 page.
- You’ve designed one of these sermon series titles: “All In”, “I Love My Church”, or “Survivor”.
- The youth pastor asked if you could spend a day with him and teach him everything you know about design.
What your score means:
1-4: You’ve dabbled in church graphic design.
5-8: You’re probably a worship leader who occasionally designs graphics.
9-12: You’re definitely a church graphic designer.
13-14: You might need counseling, friend.
How’d you do? What did you score? Share your results in a comment below.