From Browncroft Community Church in Rochester, NY.
I doubt if there is any Christian who has not, at times, found it difficult to pray. Many have asked the questions, “Do our prayers matter to God, do they matter in real life, in the real world?”
Both the Scriptures and the experiences of countless believers over time say they do. In fact, prayer may be the single most important aspect of being a follower of Jesus. But prayer is not a formula or a way to simply get things we need, but the exercise of a personal relationship with the living God and His Son, Jesus Christ.
Just as we don’t drift into a deep spirituality, we don’t drift into a deep prayer life. We will not grow in prayer unless we plan to pray and see it as a central part of a maturing faith. That means we must pray according to God’s will, in line with His values, and in conformity with His own character, purposes, and promises.
The goal of this series is to work through a few of the prayers of the New Testament in such a way that we hear God speak to us today. To discover strength and direction to improve our praying and adopt the Bible’s priorities as our own.