Generous God Generous People


From The Gospel Life Church in Puyallup, WA


<p>When most people think of God, they don’t first typically think about generosity – but we should! God is the author of generosity, and Jesus is the ultimate example of God’s unselfish love and generosity to His people that is unparallel to the world we see around us. Our God is not stingy or reluctant to give. He loves to give and is happy to provide and abundantly bless the people of His creation – for His glory and their joy. Therefore, according to Jesus, His disciples should live in a way that reflects God’s generosity. The gospel makes clear that we are recipients of God’s lavish grace and that the cross is the standard of God’s eagerness to give.

During this sermon series, we will be examining four of Jesus’ teachings in the Gospel of Luke and discover the true heart of discipleship that flows from gospel faith propelling generosity in every disciple everywhere!<p>


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