If God is Good

If God Is Good tv

From Two Rivers Church in Lenoir City, TN.

Description: We did a series looking at Job. Here’s the description of it: “If God is good, then why _____?” There are all types of awful, evil, or tragic events that we could choose to fill in the blank. When events occur in and around our lives that don’t seem to align with the character of a good God, one of the biggest questions we face is “Why?” “Why did this happen to me?” “Why now?” Maybe even, “why didn’t this happen to someone else?” We will be looking at the book of Job as we consider what it means to endure suffering in a broken world where a good God is ever present. We will see that our understanding of God is likely too small. As people following Jesus in a broken world we have to have faith that God is good and His love for us is without question; even when our circumstances make us feel otherwise. If not, we can find ourselves in fear waiting for the next bad thing to happen. Or when tragedy strikes we turn away from following Jesus because we don’t feel like he is good or that he actually loves us. In the end, the question we should be asking when bad things happen isn’t “Why?” but “How?” How do we as followers of Jesus, endure suffering in a broken world for the glory of God? How do we come along side friends and loved ones as they encounter suffering? We will see the answer from the ancient Hebrew poem we call Job.


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