

From Eureka Faith Center in Eureka, CA.

Description: Sixty-six books tell One Story. It’s a story about One Hope. It’s the story of One Love. (Not to be confused with the Bob Marley song or the U2 song.) It’s about the One Way, Truth and Life: He is the One True God:

He is the Life and you and I only have one life to live. During our series One we will be following the Story from book one of the Bible (Genesis) through the resurrection (Easter weekend). Each message will shed light on another facet of the amazing God who has planned and purchased our salvation. Let’s go on this One journey together between now and Easter.

Since we know the One, let’s keep in step with Him as He offers us His hope, His love and His life. Remember, every great movement and all significant change begins with one person.

Designer: Samantha Bredeson

Series type