The Invisible Man

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From Rock Church in Point Loma, CA


Though invisible, the third member of the Trinity is not an impersonal force. The Holy Spirit is a person – someone with whom we can have a relationship. The Holy Spirit is the Helper who was sent by the Father to empower, counsel, and comfort us during our journey. The Holy Spirit is the Promised One who enables the Church to participate in God’s mission of mending creation and establishing the kingdom of heaven on earth. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth, always present and always pointing us to Jesus (John 16:13). When the Holy Spirit fills us, we are empowered to bear fruit that remains and express gifts that build the kingdom. He may be the “Invisible Man”, but the Holy Spirit should not be overlooked or avoided. The goal of this 2-week series is to help you more fully see the person of the Holy Spirit so that you can have a greater understanding of what He wants to do in your life and begin to hear His voice more clearly.

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